
How are B2B and B2C marketing spheres connected to each other?

As soon you read this title you are probably going to think that these are both marketing spheres and thus they are obviously connected. However, it is not that simple. Since most marketing executives specialize in either one of these spheres, they do not realize the finer lines that connect them both. If one were to understand them, their marketing game would automatically upgrade. And as always, we are here to help!

The first thing we are going to look into is the experience that digital marketing is supposed to provide. And in this regard there are probably a lot of things that a B2B brand can learn from a B2C brand. Most B2B brands still have crammy websites that they don’t really bother to update, and are happy with more menial forms of providing information. Since in the marketing spheres nobody is going to buy your product without checking out your page, you need to have it updated.

To continue on with the previous point, B2B brands need to become easier to work with. When you look at a small B2C brand, they are competing with the likes of Ebay and Amazon when it comes to customer services. This is not the case with a B2B brand, but at the same time the expectation of the customer is no less than it is for a B2C brand. Customer services need to be looked into since a happy customer always comes back.

If a marketing executive from the B2B sphere happens to work with a B2C brand for a period of time, they will realize just how well a B2C brand deals with their customers, and just how streamlined and inbound their whole approach is. These are qualities that span across the spheres of marketing and they should definitely be part of your brand agenda.