
How to measure your content’s success?

Content is the heart and soul of a marketing brand and it also requires a huge budget to pull off correctly. For these two reasons alone you should concentrate on measuring how successful your brand’s content is proving to be. But apart from these there is another huge upside toward analyzing content success. Once you have the metrics to how your content is performing you can understand which the areas of your content marketing strategy are that you can improve upon.

So here are the factors that you need to keep in mind while

Reach Analytics

This is the most basic thing and I’m pretty sure most brands are actively tracking these. Reach analytics show you how far each of your content was able to reach and how much engagement they had. While most platforms provide their own free tool provide you these analytics, it is always better to get a paid tool for this job.


Understand where your viewers are coming from. Once you have analyzed the demographic of your viewer base you can now modify your content so that it is more user-friendly. This further enables you to segment your content and allow it to have better reach.


This is the ultimate purpose of generating content. If your content is on the right track then there will be a lot of hits to your website and these can considered as prospect leads which will now require the attention of the sales team.


While this majorly depends on the activities of the sales team, you should always try to provide content that will have your clients ‘sold’. Keep this as your goal and your content should be doing fine.

So go ahead and see whether your content is performing well on all of these fronts, and for better understanding analyze the data in fixed intervals of time.