How changing your website can make a heaven and hell difference for your business
Technology has taken over us without us even knowing about it. And now we can take over each other using that same technology. This is the basis of marketing in the 21st century and therefore, to win at this game you need the strongest website of all. All this sounds good and true, but what really is a good website? Most marketing brands have a well running, well written website. But is that enough? So to help you in your quest towards having a better website, here are four tips you can use.
The first impression
The most plagued issue that websites have is not thinking of the client while making the first impression. The first 10 seconds of info provided upon reaching a website is extremely crucial to the viewer’s perception, and therefore their perception needs to be kept in mind while constructing this segment. As much as you need to show them your successes, you also need to strike a personal nerve which will ensure that they understand why you should be trusted with the task of solving their problems.
Journey friendly website
Every buyer has a journey, which means every buyer maybe at a different stage of the journey when they visit your website. Therefore the website needs to have pages or segments dedicated to each stage of the buyer journey. The awareness stage, the consideration stage, and the decision stage; these are three primary stages that you need to focus on while upgrading your website and making it meaningful to viewers at different stages of the buyer journey.
All info, no story
Nobody wants a barrage of information about how you are the best when they reach your landing page. But this is what most websites give them. You need to change your whole concept regarding this. Think of your whole website as a story you are telling your client. And thus it must begin at your home page and be continued throughout the website. Pick a theme, select a copy style, and ensure that you still fill your viewer with enough information, just not in a boring and in-your-face way.
Multiple pages, not enough reasons
You must ask yourself why each of the pages on your website exists and if they at all have a reason to exist separately. A small website is not at all a bad thing, but to be too small is to lose the leverage of looking important. Pick your sweet spot and don’t waste your website space by making people run across the entire site looking for information.
These are primary changes that you can introduce to your website. There are of course many more further changes that you can continue adding, however remember to keep these as the core policies.